Bye-laws for Gunton Woodland Burial Park

These Bye-laws are designed to protect the public and to enable us to deliver our aim of creating a green, environmentally friendly burial park in a new woodland setting where wildflowers, birds and animals can thrive in harmony with each other.

Burial in the Park

We manage our burials to protect the environment. Single and Side by Side plots are available in all of our five glades. Double Depth Grave Spaces are available in our Aspen Glade. All burials are arranged through Funeral Directors and we ask that coffins are made of Natural Wood (not veneered), Willow, Bamboo, Seagrass or Cardboard. Please make sure there are no metal handles or attachments and only bio-degradable liners are used. We do not allow embalming. Ceremonies at the Graveside are welcome as long as they are conducted in ways that respect the dignity of the park and the nature of our woodland setting. Floral tributes will be left on the grave for a period of time whilst still in bloom. After this time any oasis block, wire or plastic holders will be removed.

Ashes Interments

Up to four sets of ashes may be interred in our ashes plots and our staff can arrange all aspects of this service independently of Funeral Directors. We accept crematorium bio-boxes and natural materials such as Bamboo, Willow, Sea Grass, Cardboard and natural wood.

Ashes Scattering

The scattering of ashes can be arranged in one of two designated areas, these being consecrated or un-consecrated ground.

Memorial Garden

We offer a Memorial Garden for families who have loved ones buried or scattered elsewhere, allowing you to have a special place to come and remember those who are no longer with us. Each plaque laid in the memorial garden is for an initial fifty year dedication period. After this time families are free to relinquish their space or renew it for a further period of time.


We ask you to respect the dignity of the site and others whenever you visit. Dogs are welcome with their owner providing that it is respected that burials have taken place. You must pick up and remove any dog waste during your visit and place in the dog bin on Gunton Church Lane. Dogs must be kept under control and on a lead at all times. This is private land and fixed penalty notices can be issued to those who do not follow the rules.

Marking Grave Sites

Granite Memorial Plaques may be purchased through our office to be placed on plots or in our memorial garden. These are all A4 size and follow a standard design. Any alterations to the lettering are strictly prohibited. We only allow native plants to be planted on plots and we supply leaflets in the office to show the approved species. (Please be aware that this is a natural burial site and therefore rabbits and muntjac deer can sometimes take the plants as their tasty food!)

We restrict which items are placed on the grave whilst we endeavour to maintain a natural setting, therefore, we do not allow artificial plants or flowers, children’s toys, garden ornaments, painted stones, balloons, lanterns, coloured gravel, coloured stones, slate and any other items not in keeping with a natural woodland. We do not allow glass bottles or jars or any plastic memorial vases. (Bio-degradable wooden vases can be purchased through us directly from the office.)  Any of these items will be removed and kept by the side of the office for your collection. Fresh flowers must have cellophane, ribbons and other non-biodegradable wrappings removed before being placed on the grave. If there is anything placed on the grave that will interfere with our annual grass cutting sessions, again, these will be removed.

Disabled Access

There is open access to all parts of the site. However, we strongly advise disabled visitors to ensure their mobility vehicle is able to travel safely over the parks uneven surface. If you need to drive into the burial park to visit a grave please contact the office to make sure the date and time of your visit does not coincide with a funeral.

Car Parking

Car parking is restricted to when the Burial Park Office is open between 9am and 2pm and for Funerals. Please note the car park is used at the car owner’s risk. After these times the gates will be locked. Casual car parking is available outside of the park on Gunton Church Lane. Gunton Woodland Burial Trust take no responsibility for cars that may be locked in after 2pm.

Site Safety

The site is an outdoor environment. We therefore strongly advise all visitors to dress accordingly and wear suitable outdoor footwear to avoid trips or falls on the uneven areas.

The operation of the site is reviewed regularly and the trustees reserve the right to amend these bye-laws at any time.