Every Monday morning, after a weekend, and every Friday afternoon, before a weekend, our grounds men walk around the whole of the burial park and tidy up wherever necessary. This includes removing flowers that are past their best and any that no longer have the flower heads on due to the wildlife enjoying them for their snacks! Flowers found to be like this during the week may also be tidied away.
We understand that it may feel upsetting and frustrating if your flowers seem to disappear over night, but this is what is happening and is also why we included this information in our written Byelaws to make everyone aware at the time of booking a plot. We can assure you that the flowers are not being stolen.
The wildlife especially like flowers such as Roses and Carnations, they eat them like sweets! Please make the most of bringing Daffodils when the time is right, as they last a while and we also suggest Alstroemeria, as shown in the images here. They tend to last a while too. The ones in the photo had been there almost a whole week when the picture was taken!
