Unauthorised Ashes
25 Jul, 2024

The GWBP team feel sad and disappointed that we need to create this news page, but it is information that everyone needs to know in order to think about their actions before going ahead.

Unauthorised ashes that are found anywhere within the burial park are instantly removed. If you would like your loved one to be laid to rest in our beautiful surroundings, you MUST come through us to make the arrangements formally. Unauthorised ashes are not recorded in our register and will not appear on our online map which will be released on our website as soon as it has been updated. You may think you are leaving your loved one to rest peacefully, but this is sadly not the case. This is also very upsetting for the GWBP team.

As a non-profit charity, we rely on income to keep us open and running as we are. A scattering of ashes in one of our designated areas costs £200 which is extremely reasonable and your loved one is laid to rest in peace.

Please think carefully about any consequences to your actions.,